Welcome to HealthGuardThank you for installing HealthGuard, a service of NewsGuard. We provide trust ratings and reviews for over 3,000 of health news and information websites in the U.S. and Europe—displayed right next to links on search engines, news feeds, social media sites and other platforms. Here’s everything you need to get started.

How HealthGuard Works

  • Once you have installed HealthGuard on your computer, Red and Green HealthGuard rating icons will appear next to links to health information sites on search engines and social media feeds, such as Google, Bing, Facebook, and Twitter.
  • Hover your mouse over the HealthGuard icon for more detail, such as a brief description of the site and how it rates on each of our nine criteria.
  • Click through to the site’s full “Nutrition Label” for even more information about the site.
  • Questions? Read our FAQ or email support.