NewsGuard’s Podcast Reliability Ratings help brands direct ad spend toward trustworthy news and information podcasts, and help content moderators promote reliable podcasts on platforms.

After the widespread adoption of NewsGuard’s Website Reliability Ratings, we expanded our omni-channel offering by rating podcasts. Produced by the same top journalists and editors on our staff responsible for our website ratings, and according to apolitical journalistic criteria adapted for the podcast medium, NewsGuard’s Podcast Reliability Ratings help brands direct ad spend toward trustworthy news and information podcasts, and help content moderators promote reliable podcasts on platforms.

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NewsGuard’s podcast reliability criteria assess the journalistic standards of each show. Based on how a podcast scores on the five criteria, it is assigned a Red, Yellow, or Green risk level; and a safety score from 0-10.

We adhere to the highest standards of transparency and credibility in our work, which is conducted by expert journalists and misinformation specialists around the world. Learn more about exactly how we do what we do.

Use Cases


We help advertisers decide where to purchase ads based on our transparently-sourced data, empowering them to invest in news podcasts that align with their values and mitigate brand safety risks. Brands and agencies use our scores in conjunction with their brand safety policies to decide which podcasts to target for advertising.

News Aggregators

Our comprehensive, human-sourced podcast ratings help guide content moderators at streaming platforms as they curate podcasts from publishers that meet the standards of editorial integrity and transparency they require.