Tell Your Audience About Your NewsGuard Rating
Publishers rated by NewsGuard are free to promote their rating to readers. There is no cost involved in doing so, and there can be multiple benefits. By communicating that your publication has been reviewed by an independent third party and certified as adhering to journalistic standards, you can:
- Increase trust with new readers who may not be familiar with your brand
- Emphasize brand safety to advertisers who may be reluctant to advertise on news
- Provide recognition and pride to subscribers for investing in your quality journalism
Below, we provide some background information on NewsGuard and suggested language for promoting your NewsGuard rating. We also highlight examples of publishers who have promoted their NewsGuard ratings to readers.
NewsGuard: A journalism trust tool that helps news consumers find quality journalism
NewsGuard rates and reviews the reliability of thousands of news and information websites worldwide. Our team of journalists and editors reviews each news website using a set of nine journalistic criteria—such as whether the site regularly publishes false content, promptly corrects errors, discloses ownership and financing, and more.
NewsGuard ratings are available to millions of users worldwide through NewsGuard’s news literacy program and through partnerships with companies that interact with online news content—such as search engines, social media platforms, news aggregators, and other services.
In addition, top advertisers and agencies use NewsGuard’s ratings to direct their advertising toward credible news outlets without the risk of their ads appearing on misinformation sites.
NewsGuard’s data and reports are frequently cited in media outlets covering misinformation—such as The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, The New York Post, The Guardian, VICE, BBC News, and others.
Tools for promoting your NewsGuard rating to readers
There are several ways to promote your NewsGuard rating to readers:
- Cite NewsGuard’s rating on your “About Us” page
- Include your NewsGuard rating on marketing materials for advertisers
- Cite your NewsGuard rating on “Subscribe Now” messages to potential new subscribers
- Use House Ads to emphasize your NewsGuard rating to readers
- Promote your NewsGuard rating on social media
Below, we’ve included suggested language to use for About Pages and other mentions of your site’s NewsGuard rating.
Suggested Language
{PUBLICATION}’s Journalism Rated Generally Credible by NewsGuard
{PUBLICATION} is rated as generally credible by NewsGuard, an organization that employs trained journalists to rate and review thousands of news websites for credibility and transparency. NewsGuard uses nine journalistic criteria to rate each website. To learn more about NewsGuard’s rating of {PUBLICATION}, visit
Examples of publishers promoting their NewsGuard ratings
Here are some examples of publishers promoting their NewsGuard ratings to readers (note: some examples showcase NewsGuard earlier Green shields):