Rate NewsGuard

Help NewsGuard gain traction by rating us in your browser’s extension store.

Click the link below to be directed to your browser’s extension store where you can rate NewsGuard. Scroll down on this page for instructions for how to rate NewsGuard in each browser.

Have feedback for how we can improve? You can send us feedback or suggestions at any time here.

Instructions: How to Rate NewsGuard

Scroll down for detailed instructions about how to rate NewsGuard in each browser. Or watch this demonstration video of the process.

Rate NewsGuard for your Browser

Google Chrome: On the Chrome store page for NewsGuard, click “Reviews,” then “Write a Review.” Click on the stars at the center of the screen to choose the number of stars you would like to assign. (Five stars is the highest rating.) Enter any comments in the text box, then click “Publish.” 

Microsoft Edge: On the Edge store page for NewsGuard, scroll down, click “Reviews” and then click the blue “Rate and Review” button. Click on the stars at the center of the screen to choose the number of stars you would like to assign. (Five stars is the highest rating.) If you would like to add a written review, click “Add a Review” and follow the prompts. Or just click “Submit Rating” to complete your rating.

Apple Safari: On the Apple store page for NewsGuard, scroll down to where it says “Customer Reviews” and click “Write a Review.” Click on the stars near the left side of the screen to choose the number of stars you would like to assign. (Five stars is the highest rating.) Enter a written review and your name if you would like, then click “Submit” at the bottom right.

Mozilla Firefox: On the Firefox store page for NewsGuard, scroll down to the area on the left showing empty star icons.  Click on the stars to choose the number of stars you would like to assign. (Five stars is the highest rating.) Click “Write a Review” and follow the prompts if you would like to add written comments; otherwise, your review is complete.