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  • Detailed Nutrition Labels for thousands of news and information sites
  • Warnings on websites publishing hoaxes, conspiracies, false medical advice, propaganda, and other misinformation
  • Trust score icons next to links on search and social media platforms indicating a 0-100 score for each site for easy comparison
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How NewsGuard Works

As you browse the internet, NewsGuard displays trust score icons next to links in your search results and social media feeds. Hover your mouse over each icon for a short description of the site and click “See the Full Nutrition Label” for a detailed description of the site and why it received its score.


  • NewsGuard’s browser extension displays trust score icons next to links on search engines, social media feeds, and other platforms
  • Hover over an icon to see a summary of NewsGuard’s review for each site, written by trained analysts with journalism experience
  • Click through to see a detailed trust rating and “Nutrition Label” for the site written by NewsGuard’s analysts