Free NewsGuard and GPTZero Access for AFT Members



The American Federation of Teachers has teamed up with NewsGuard and GPTZero to provide to all AFT members and their students and families free access to:

  • NewsGuard’s media literacy browser extension
  • NewsGuard’s “Reality Check,” a twice-weekly newsletter designed to explain how misinformation online is undermining trust—and who’s behind it.
  • GPTZero’s leading AI identification tool platform and pedagogical writing tools

Enter your information below to receive your free NewsGuard and GPTZero access for you, your students, and their families, courtesy of AFT.

Note: After filling out this form, you will receive one email from NewsGuard and one from GPTZero with instructions on how to gain access to each tool.

Your information will only be used to communicate with you about these services and will not be used for commercial purposes.

About NewsGuard’s Solutions for AFT Members

NewsGuard offers a media literacy browser extension and mobile app that gives users real time access to reliability ratings and detailed “Nutrition Labels” for thousands of online news and information sources. These labels are created based on NewsGuard’s nine apolitical criteria of journalistic practice.

You can learn more about how NewsGuard works here.

NewsGuard also offers AFT members access to its regular “Reality Check” newsletter, which can be distributed to students to help them learn to recognize and protect themselves against false narratives.

About GPTZero’s Solution for AFT Members

GPTZero’s tool helps identify when a piece of content, such as an essay or assignment, was produced using generative AI, giving educators clarity and transparency into the use of AI in the classroom, allowing them to better help their students use AI technology effectively. Through the partnership, all AFT members will also have priority access to a series of new tools developed for pedagogical AI teaching, including the GPTZero Origins Writing Report, and a series of practical AI workshops co-organized by AFT and GPTZero. The first 15,000 teachers to register will receive unlimited school year access to GPTZero’s core AI identification platform.